Ken C. Y. Leung

About me

I obtained Mathematics BSc from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Master of Data Science from the University of Hong Kong.

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Book Recommendations

Abstract Algebra

Dummit, Foote - Abstract Algebra (Third Edition)

Morandi - Field and Galois Theory

Algebraic Geometry

Cox, Little, Schenck - Toric Varieties

Fulton - Algebraic Curves

Algebraic K-Theory

Magurn - An Algebraic Introduction to K-Theory

Rosenberg - Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications

Differential Geometry

O'Neill - Semi-Riemannian Geometry With Applications to Relativity

Tu - An Introduction to Manifolds (Second Edition)

Tu - Differential Geometry: Connections, Curvature, and Characteristic Classes

Lie Theory

Hall - Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations: An Elementary Introduction (Second Edition)

Knapp - Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction (Second Edition)

Varadarajan - An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Semisimple Lie Groups

Mathematical Finance

Björk - Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time (Third Edition)

Mathematical Physics

Hall - Quantum Theory for Mathematicians

Number Theory

Diamond, Shurman - A First Course in Modular Forms

Marcus - Number Fields (Second Edition)

Neukirch - Algebraic Number Theory

Operator Algebras

Blackadar - Operator Algebras: Theory of C*-Algebras and von Neumann Algebras

Davidson - C*-Algebras by Example

Murphy - C*-Algebras and Operator Theory

Strătilă, Zsidó - Lectures on von Neumann Algebras

Point-set Topology

Wilansky - Topology for Analysis


Math Overflow

Mathematics Stack Exchange

Number Theory Web

Mathematics@CUHK A mathematics blog maintained by mathematics students and alumni from CUHK

Alain Connes The author of the brilliant book “Noncommutative Geometry”. The book is freely available on the web site.

Lieven Vandenberghe There are several lecture notes for the courses he taught and the book “Convex Optimization” for download

James Milne Many high quality free lecture notes and books on such areas as Algebraic Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, etc.

K. Conrad’s Expository papers Very interesting and educational expositions to various topics in mathematics

Pete Clark Contains a set of nice lecture notes on commutative algebra

Peter Woit The lecture notes on Lie groups and on quantum mechanics are excellent

Computer Science

Theoretical Computer Science Stack Exchange

Complexity Zoo

Quantum Algorithm Zoo